Wednesday, April 2, 2008

my favorite compliments ever

things people have said about me (to my face or behind my back) that are awesome.

"Gini? Is she that girl that is kind of weird and wears big glasses?"
-some kid i had humanities class with to Tori

"you have a very symmetrical face"
-guy named johnathan (ps- i don't think he meant it this way, but symmetry is beauty

"you are kinda hard to miss"
-kid named carl. i don't think he actually meant this either, but it's funny to think about.

"there is a nerd girl riding her bicycle....Gini is riding a bicycle..."
-my FHE group, in doing that sentence-picture-sentence thing. they also equated Holly with nerd, as well.

"all girls look stupid when they are running across campus to hug another girl. Except for Gini."
-Heather Dew, watching a girl running across campus to hug another girl, right before she realized that she was watching me.

"i've been here for eight hours, and you are the most adorable girl i have seen all day. i think it's the glasses"
-cute hispanic movie theatre ticket dude with a lip ring

"you can make people not feel so stupid by acting stupid."
-Colleen. okay, this is a serious misquote, she didn't mean it in this way at all, but it's funnier this way : ).

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