Thursday, April 17, 2008

dipthongs everywhere!

So, reading through my Arabic notes from the last semester, i've written some funny/stupid/weird things about Dil. Let me share some of them.

"If a tyrannosaurus rex grew up as an only child in an upper middle class household and then went on to be a university professor, he would look exactly like Dil."

To explain:
--i think this particular comment has to do with the angularity of his jawline and cheekbones, and the way that he compulsively smooths his hair with what can only be described as a clawing motion....just think about it guys...
--basically, dil has a rather unfathomable personality. as i have not actually gotten to know him personally, i have made up his past and other factors that i think made him what he is today, which is probably completely wrong but much more entertaining than the real thing.
1. Dil probably grew up as an only child. he was fabulously smart, but his parents didn't spoil him or fuss over him as some try to do. they sort of treated him like that really nice boat you get when you have the money, thinking you'll use it all the time, but actually you don't. just sometimes, when it's really sunny outside, you think 'oh, yeah! i have a boat!' and then you use it and it's fabulous, and then you forget it again for another 3 and a half months. well, Dil was like that boat. his parents were very rich, and often went to parties and forgot about him and didn't come home until 4 in the morning. however, none of this was very tragic; he actually appreciated all the time alone and read a lot of encyclopedias. he's had glasses since he was 3 years old. that was how dil's childhood went. he also had a really big, loyal dog, that he loved a lot but never told it.
2. Dil has never lied to anyone in his whole life. that is why he says weird things sometimes that are really funny--because he doesn't know how to tell anything but the truth, and the truth is pretty funny.
3. Dil likes being a professor, but his dream job would really be a tennis instructor. however, he never liked the way he looked in tennis shoes, they made his ankles look to skinny, so he gave that up a long time ago and never looked back. Dil is the kind of person who makes decisions and knows to never look back.
and that is my completely fabricated analysis of dil's personality.

one more thing from my arabic notes:
"dil parkinson is one of the only people who would probably look good in a mortarboard"


Joe Vasicek said...

Yeah, Dil is a pretty crazy guy--definitely unlike any other teacher at BYU. I actually hated him in 201, but once I became acclimated to his personality, I started to like him. Now, I think we get along pretty well. Believe it or not, my sister Kate is terrified of him! Even now, after she's taken 201, 202, and retaken 202. She wouldn't go and speak with him after class unless I came up with her. So yeah, I can definitely see the resemblance between Dil and a Tyrannosaurus! :)

By the way, here is my Jordan 08 study abroad blog.

breanne said...

This is quite possibly the funniest description I have ever heard of Dil, made up as it may be.

~~~~ said...

If Dil Parkinson were in Star Trek, he would definitely be a Vulcan. I'm listening to him lecture right this very second and I'm thinking "Yep, Vulcan."