Wednesday, March 26, 2008

raising red flags

[John McCain] will not talk with the Syrians, will not talk with the Iranians, will not talk with Hamas and Hezbollah - he isn't going to push the Israelis
Lawrence Eagleburger
Former US Secretary of State

I read this off a sidebar on a BBC article and I thought, hmmm, that's interesting. that sounds like doomsday.
Then, keep reading the rest of the article, and Eagleburger is actually a McCain supporter. Wowee.
May God Help Us All if this is what people in support of McCain's Middle East policy says.

anyway, here is the BBC article. it talks about all the candidates overwhelming depressing and unproductive and completely pandering attitude on Israel, and other Mid East countries.

Also, there's an interesting article about neocons in the washington monthly, it's a bit windy (like a road not the weather--i really ain't sure how to spell that), but at least if you read this you don't have to read Heilbrunn's neocon book. anyway, it's fascinating because it's right--there is no such thing as neoconservativism anymore, because the 'regular' conservatives have completely swallowed the neocon agenda. gross. i admit i was a conservative at one point in my life, but i have repented and anyway i never was into the kind of satanical politics the wolfowitz/pearle/cheney/PNAC kids support. thank god because i'm pretty sure that's, like, worst sin number two or something. i think it's ranked like this:
-sexual sins
-supporting the neocon foreign policy agenda
oh, wait, the last two are the same. my bad guys.

anyway, link:

also interesting is the analysis of the neocon "attitude" and temperment, which the article claims to be the real basis of their foreign policy, and not intellectual thought. Everyone has known that all along, but now it's in print and Ayn Rand has reasons to official be spinning in her tight-ass grave (hey, ayn, i don't like you either, but we've got admit we're on the same team).

remember kids, the Status Quo isn't Sexy.


mal said...

I wanna know what IS sexy…

Gini Lee said...

you are, mallory. you are.