Thursday, November 20, 2008

media websites that i love

-my one true news love
-sort of like Drudge (except with an anti-war agenda instead of a right-wing agenda); combs and collects tons of different news sites and brings them all together
-heavy libertarian/non-interventionist lean in their political commentary/opinion articles
-really good set up; front page divided into countries and conflict zones, and it includes basically every conflict zone you could think of, plus the ones you don't, which is good, too
-check out the sources page for dozens of other sites

-i know, i know. democracynow can have a tendency to be sensationalist and inflammatory, but it's a good model for news produced outside the corporate conglomerates by an outlet with any sort of clout. voices are heard here, man!
-always gets interviews with cool (aka prominent and outside the mainstream) people.
-fight the good fight of the leftist movement!

-news and commentary about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
-also, really cool graphics and layout
-also check out electronic iraq and electronic lebanon

-yay, Brits! when perusing this site, you must read all the news out loud with a british accent, it is 4 times more enjoyable. and sexy.
-thank you bbc for being accessible, and for having a million little sidebar links, so if i want to find out more about the article i am reading and its topics, i can. i love you bbc.
-also photos of the day are awesome.

Those are the only ones i really read regularly. open to suggestions.